New Contributor II

Joined: August 2015

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Is it possible to enforce Xerox secure print? From everything that I can find the user can disable secure print. Thanks!
Is there an option in JAMF Pro to create a new local group and then add an existing local user to that group? If not, does anyone have a script that would allow me to do this? Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know of a way that I can whitelist a specific product/vendor ID USB storage device and blacklist everything else? Does OSX or JSS offer that capability without a third party tool? Thanks!
I would like to audit screen lock/unlock. I know of the "last" command but that is not giving me the information that I need. Does anyone know of a terminal command to find this information and if not, a way to start recording it with Jamf Pro?
I have not had any issues with our Apple SUS since I started using it. Randomly a couple weeks back, the command "softwareupdate -l" reports back: "Can't load data from the Apple Software Update server." I get this error on every single system, OS ve...
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