Hey guys, I've also had this issue with web-clips and other
applications. Tested on iOS 12.1 and no resolution for us either. From
what I can find it seems like the isIdleTimerDisable value is being
ignored with guided access. Fingers crossed for som...
Hey Nick, We mainly keep some of the following- Certs that can be
installed via pkg (A requirement for our network)- Malware Bytes!- Disk
Checking app (My fav is Grand Perspective - Bash and Applescripts for
clearing caches, installing apps, installi...
@skinford I’m fairly certain that it’s for Non-DEP computers too. It can
scopes similar as a policy would be. I like to have them auto install
and then run a policy scoped to those with the app installed. I found
setting up VPP wasn’t too hard either...