Hi JAMF Nation, Was wondering how would I go about setting the homepage
for end users' to a specific site and restricting them from changing
their homepage? Thanks so much for the help/input.
@kericson I'm using the following script: #!/bin/bash
DMG_PATH='/tmp/BomgarProgrammatic.dmg' /usr/bin/curl --silent
"${BOMGAR_URL}" --outpu...
Here is the script I'm running: #!/bin/bash
DMG_PATH='/tmp/BomgarProgrammatic.dmg' /usr/bin/curl --silent
"${BOMGAR_URL}" --output "${DMG_P...
@kericson when I use that script the jump client installs correctly but
the the security/privacy preferences aren't set. Was wondering what
would be the best way to set those item when installing the actual jump
client using that script?