Hi @mgastri , to echo @larry_barrett 's comment, make sure your
Pre-Stage enrollment is making the MDM Profile Enrollment mandatory, and
also ensure that you have "Prevent un-enrollment" selected.
Additionally, if these iPad devices are not in your A...
As the product exist today, there isn't a straightforward way to "limit"
enrollment based off of a serial number. However, a possible solution
would be to restrict Enrollment or User Initiated Enrollment to a
specific set of Technicians via an LDAP g...
Hi @trueexmatt , Binding will work with Jamf Cloud, either via a Policy
or Config Profile, the bind details get sent to the Mac and the Mac
actually binds to AD locally. Meaning the Mac will reach out to a Domain
Controller in your local network to b...
Hi All, We have a step-by-step guide on configuring Azure AD (Azure AD
Managed Domain Services) in Jamf Pro as an LDAP source, as well as using
Azure AD for Single-Sign On. Take a look at it here -
In regard to Groups & SSO Hi All, Just an "FYI" Group Membership claims
do work with Azure and Jamf Pro, Azure just passes the Group Object ID
instead of the plaintext name. In order to utilize groups you need to
get the Object ID of your group, then...