Thanks. Good to know. The JSS is clearly reading that the mail attribute
is present in the AD account when added through a group...the "Email
Notifications" link shows up on the pull down menu when logged on with
an AD account that has a mail attribu...
I have no solution for you, but I am experiencing this very same issue.
I just switched to LDAP groups I had been adding our admin staff in as
LDAP users individually. I stopped getting any emails from Casper until
I added myself back as an LDAP user...
It seemed to start when I upgraded to 8.62 a couple of months ago. I
upgraded to 8.63 last week to see if it would help, and it didn't.
Definitely seems like a bug with Casper to me. I can consistently
reproduce it. I can even fire up Casper Remote a...
I am having a similar issue with all my older Macs (over 300 of them and
running 10.6.8). It seems like my software update policy (triggered by
every15 after midnight) is hanging. No other every15 policies run after
that, of course. And when I try to...