We use an Extended Attribute for this based on the following script
(which I'm sure I found on Jamf), then just run a search when required
!/bin/bash Script to detect if a computer has a local admin account on
it with an UID of above 500 Initialize a...
Same here - did you ever find a resolution, I thought 10.12.1 might
resolve the issue but doesn't - our 10.11.6 NetBoot image is fine - what
I find is it takes ages to complete but non- of the packages install
I changed it to 2GB - It definitely isn't as responsive as before the
upgrade but has improved - I notice the slow down when viewing opening
polices and displaying the JSS dashboard - regardless of the browser.
The JSS is hosted locally on a Windows ...
Fair enough. I still think it was worth spelling out my situation as
there are people above (e.g CGundersen) having problems with 9.7 and
also here https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=13184
whereas it seems to work fine for me. Per...