Hi All,Is there any way for the JSS to tell me which wifi network an
enrolled Mac is using?We have more than one wifi network and want to
know who is using what..Thank you.
Is there an easy way to make this into a policy?rm -r
~/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice/If I put this into a
policy "as is", it will clear the Self Service cache of the management
account, right?And I want it to clear the Self Service cac...
Looks like the issues resolve if you force Self Service to work a bit.
Work it for a few minutes with packages and policies. Restart it a few
times and that seems to fix it.Looks normal and improved now.
Our Self Service is messed up also now after 9.4.The login and password
boxes are up in the top left corner.There is no color and the icon is
missing. Things look wrong after you login too. This is on all
previously enrolled Macs. New Macs are ok.Not...