@MikeBaker actuallly tried to convice Webroot to NOT try to
install/activate Webfilter in that rude way. But they haven't listened.
I haven't found a way to stop that part from happening.
#!/bin/sh #set -x #Set Keycode for Clients KEY=A7E2GSXXXXXXXXXXXX sleep
2 clear #Download WSA mac client cd /tmp; curl -O
http://anywhere.webrootcloudav.com/zerol/wsamacsme.dmg echo Please wait
while file is downloaded and mounted wait 15 #Mount the ...
@JKingsnorth Here's the script I use. Downloads, installs, registers and
deletes dmg. Just paste you serial at KEY=I got the script from Webroot
initially, but have tweaked the wait values a bit to keep it
I do this in 2 steps. One policy that just install the image in
/Library/Desktops. Then one policy run this script to set the
picture:osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture
to POSIX file "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Custom.jpg"'...
IT Manager at Nordic Morning Group - a Scandinavian agency