I just applied the following PAC to my iPad manually and it breaks
Classroom. function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if(shExpMatch(host,
"playboy.com")) {return "PROXY";} return "DIRECT"; } I
applied a null route to ensure the PAC is actual...
It looks like the presence of any PAC file breaks the Classroom app. I
modified mine to have a default statement of return DIRECT and Classroom
no longer works. Switch to no PAC, and it works great. Switch back, and
its broken. I think this is an App...
Hi Guys, Unfortunately, the best I can do is post a redacted pcap (which
makes it almost useless), but you should see what I'm seeing. There is a
CONNECT to sentitlement2.mobile.att.net:443 (packet 41) which ends up
getting shoved through proxy as I ...