Additional scopes for jamf connect? Need to name home folder FirstnameLastname

New Contributor

Looking to pass custom scopes to jamf connect using entra ID. I've attempted to add it a few times, but am doing something wrong. Everytime i attempt to use the scope, the app breaks. Wondering if anyone else has gone through this process!


Esteemed Contributor

Are you making sure to make sure devices do not have multiple Configuration Profiles targeting com.jamf.connect and com.jamf.connect.login that manage the same key pairs? If you have two Configuration Profiles managing the same keypair on the same management domain, things don't usually end well.

New Contributor

I do have 2 login profiles, First login, and login. After the first login profile runs it creates a folder, once that folder is created, those devices are excluded. I think it's something wrong with how I'm configuring Entra, but I can't seem to find any good documentation on it.