Change Password popup message wording

New Contributor

When our users change their SSO password, JAMFs pops a message that the passwords are now out of sync and to enter your "local password" in order to sync. When that local is really their previous SSO password. This is confusing all our users since we rolled this out. Is this wording able to be changed?


Thank you.


Esteemed Contributor

I don't think this text dialog box is configurable, though you could open a ticket with JAMF to verify. However, the language is consistent with what Apple uses. Your Local password is in fact out of sync with your IDP password.


We may understand more of what is going on, but for users you want it as simple as possible. SSO is the concept of passwordless authentication, the password is actually their previous IDP password. Getting muddled in key terms just confuses people. End users understand local and network without needing much explanation (for most people).

There are many end users that simply do not understand that. That is the purpose of JAMF as you know, to simplify management for Apple users not entirely skilled. 

New Contributor

You can change the message easily with the Jamf Connect Configuration application under the connect tab.


You can also manually edit the plist for your connect profile by adding a key with the desired message such as:

<string>Please enter your old password in order to fully synchronize passwords</string>