Posted on 07-22-2022 11:39 PM
Hi all,
New to this sub so I thought I would make a start with an interesting one.
I've got jamf pro and jamf connect setup with Azure AD and working for the most part.
Apart from the actual connect dialogue box closes instantly and doesn't actually log in. After some digging, I found that it's failing with the error...
Kerberos Authentication Failed with error: KerbError
Helpful and awfully generic, I know.
I can confirm that not ticket is present after logging in by running "klist".
If I run "kinit" it'll prompt me for passwords and then everything works as expected, firewall auth, smbs connect without prompting for credentials (When the account in use has permissions).
I've got a ticket open with Jamf, they've not been too helpful as the ticket has been open for 8 days without a response from them! They've even tried closing the ticket.
I'm at a loss, I want to get this project wrapped up by August and this is the final step, getting kerberos working and auto mapping of user drives...
Thanks for any suggestions in advance!
Posted on 03-14-2023 05:53 PM
Hi @zekgrafic : Did you ever find resolution for this issue?
Posted on 12-15-2023 01:47 PM
I'm having this same issue when testing our new Jamf Connect setup. Everything else works as expected, but no Kerberos tickets are being created.
Jamf Connect version 2.30.0 (same behavior on previous release as well)
M2 Macbook air, Ventura 13.6.1
Posted on 12-18-2023 09:07 AM
As a follow-up, my issue was resolved after identifying a difference in Azure/Entra Cloud information and AD on-prem settings related to the Azure/Entra shortname.
We were using first initial last name with our on-prem AD but our Entra cloud is using our email address as the username. After we pointed the shortname field to the correct field for our cloud instance then we started to get Kerberos tickets.
Posted on 06-24-2024 11:31 PM
or Entra ID we are using e-mail address as login name. For shortname I am able to resolve correct information (using Extension Attribute). Still, I am not getting Kerberos ticket automatically. Can you send me a copy of shortname key configuration for Jamf Connect menu bar?
Posted on 06-26-2024 07:01 AM
We are still on Jamf Connect 2.29 because the more current versions of Jamf Connect haven't allowed us to automatically get a ticket or have them be more persistent after a reboot, etc... I haven't tested the last couple of releases yet but from their release notes I don't know if they'll improve the situation.
Posted on 02-24-2025 02:44 AM
Did you ever find a solution to this, we are having the same issue, and I had kept the fleet on 2.29.0 but thought it was finally fixed in 2.44.0 but it only seems to generate tickets for machines that were working previously, newly build machines dont get issued tickets...
Posted on 02-28-2024 08:38 AM
Did you ever find any solutions to this issue?
It doesn't occur in version 2.22 and below but anything after that I am having the issue were the kerberos tickets are not automatically generating.
However, the one workaround I have found is if I open up terminal and enter in
open jamfconnect://kick
open jamfconnect://login
The kerberos tickets then are generated normally.
So If I create a login script to always run one of those commands it should resolve it for the short term.
Posted on 02-24-2025 07:44 AM
We found out that main problem is with misconfiguration of Jamf Connect Login (not Menu bar). ROPG is obtained while login in to the Mac. We were relaying on Entra ID, but ROPG should come from local AD ( (provider was setup to Azure while is should to setup to Custom). In our workflow there was need to create ADFS application that can communicate with Jamf Connect Login window.
Jamf Connect Menu Bar is not mandatory though, so similar functionality can be obtained by using Kerberos SSO payload from Jamf configuration profile. So maybe in your scenario you will be able replace Menu bar with native macOS Kerberos SSO plugin.
Posted on 02-24-2025 08:59 AM
I just ended up creating a launch daemon and that checks for kerberos tickets on network changes. If one exists, exit, otherwise run the jamfconnect://gettickets command. Has been pretty solid for us.
a month ago
We are still on 2.29 here. I'm going to test the 2.44 soon just to see if anything has changed for us. None of the updates have been compelling enough for us to want to update, so I've stayed with reliability over having to create more complexity on top of what is already required for Jamf Connect
I want to simplify our user authentication by implementing Platform SSO at some point in the future. This would eliminate the complex password change procedures that currently burden both users and our team. This change is especially important as we strengthen our cybersecurity measures and need to proactively reset passwords for potentially compromised accounts more frequently.
a month ago
So, i have been having endless Kerberos issues since 2.39.0, and thought 2.44.0 had fixed it, but when i rebuild a machine this was clearly not the case. Just spent and hour on the phone with Jamf here in SA, and I removed Jamf Connect completely, installed the JC 2.45.0 beta and its def fixed my issue... tickets are being issued again, and even the open jamfconnect://gettickets commands are working again in Terminal....