Jamf Connect Login Not Remembering Network, even with Config Profile pushing network?

New Contributor III

I’m struggling with wifi on the Jamf Connect Login page.

We use two networks - ENT and DEV. ENT is Enterprise, DEV is PSK.

ENT is for all users to login to and gives access to printers, fileshares, etc. Users need to login to this network with their network username and password.

DEV is more of a backup being pushed out via config profile, auto-join disabled. I can confirm the computers I'm testing on have this profile.

  1. Jamf Connect Login lets you connect to DEV if you know the password.
  2. You log in through JCL, and once you hit the desktop you need a printer so you swap over to ENT.
  3. You log out for the day.
  4. Now the JCL page needs the password for DEV again, even though it knew it before, and it's being pushed out by a config profile, and it hasn't been Forgotten by the user.

Can I force JCL to use a specific wifi network, or feed it connection info or something? This seems like it's broken or something.