Posted on 01-13-2021 04:07 PM
We are currently in the process of switching from NoMad to jamf connect. During our NoMad install we have a script pull credentials and auto login NoMad using the currently logged in users login info. I am trying to make this happen with the Jamf connect menu bar app if it is possible.
Example: We have several employees that already exist and we want to silently deploy the jamf connect menu bar to all of them. Right now, when they log out and back into the computer for the first time after Jamf Connect menu bar is installed it will ask them to sign-in for the first time. Then it creates a keychain entry and will auto log into jamf connect menu bar app on computer sign-in.
I need it to skip the first part and just automatically populate the existing user credentials into jamf connect menu bar app without prompting the user for login.
I have the script a previous employee worked on to make the NoMad login work like that but I am not sure how I can apply it to this too.
Posted on 01-13-2021 08:19 PM
If you use the Jamf Connect Login part of the suite, it can do this for you. Have a look at Create Jamf Connect Keychain (CreateJamfConnectPassword
key) from the Jamf Connect Administrator's Guide.
Posted on 01-14-2021 02:55 PM
I found what I was looking for. It is in the jamf connect configuration app in the login section. There is a box you check to create the keychain item.
Posted on 01-19-2021 12:29 PM
Ok so it's still not working for me but I think I might know what the problem is. I am trying to do this with users that already exist on the computer. Does this only work when creating a user on the computer from scratch? During this process I am demobilizing the account but it still does not auto login connect menu bar app.
Posted on 02-24-2022 03:38 PM
It should migrate and sync passwords. I am having issues with the menu bar authentication it keep s failing...