Jamf Support

New Contributor

I've had a ticket open with them for a week now, and getting any sort of response from them is like pulling teeth.

When they do respond, they just ask more questions and don't actually seem to do anything with the information.

Is their support really this broken/non-existent?

How can you sell an enterprise application when you don't support your users?

I will be looking at alternatives.



It hasn't been too great recently. During this year's keynote, they stated that they have 2800 or so employees, and 69000 customers worldwide, so I can see where the issue could be.

Esteemed Contributor

JAMFs support has most certainly gone down here in recent years. JAMF has added several new products, and adding Security tools in addition to their typical MDM products. JAMF has also doubled their customer count in the past 2 years. I would wager JAMF is simply growing faster then their infrastructure can manage and support.


If JAMF was to stay as the industry leader they absolutely need to do something soon about their support and backlog of feature requests. Many things like the AD CS connector are running on empty tanks and barley getting the job done.