macOS 15 and Jamf Connect 2.39


I am doing some testing with macOS 15 before any widespread deployment.

I use Jamf Pro polices and packages to update Jamf Connect to the newest version (currently 2.39).

On macOS 13.6.7 and 14.6.1 the policy runs fine without any issues however on macOS 15 it is giving me an integrity error:

Verifying package integrity...
Installation failed. The package could not be verified.

I can install Jamf Connect 2.39 directly via the dmg file and JamfConnect.pkg file on macOS 15, however this is not practical as most of the managed computers are offsite.

This seems to be an Apple integrity check issue. Any thoughts on how to work around this issue.



Honored Contributor III

The main two things to check.

  1. Replace the package.
  2. Ensure nothing on the network side is doing something it's not supposed to do (such as package filtering).

In pretty much every situation I see that in the logs, it's something on the network side doing stupid things or a corrupted package (sometimes caused by stupid network things).