Viewing details in mdm enrollment profiles

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There is a file MDMOverrides.plist that contains approvals pushed from JAMF. It's located at /Library/Application Support/com.Apple.TCC . But in new system versions of MacOS it isn't able to read that file because of SIP protected. However, I know about useful terminal command such as csrutil disable in Recovery Mode. But it's uncomfortably for me. Because I need to get some information (details - Privacy Preferences Control) about device system profiles - enrollment or MDM profiles - with different operating system without any problems. Can I get these information (about rights, certificate, control the computer and other, that I can see in /System Preferences/Profiles in Details) from some infoFile?(but not the MDMOverrides.plist) I need it in order to write the information in a separate file. P.S. Information, that I can get using Terminal commands such as /usr/bin/profiles list(or show) - it's ok, but isn't complete for me.