10.10.4 is out

Valued Contributor II

10.10.4 is out


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Hello from 10.10.4. Goodbye discoveryd!

Valued Contributor II

Now for the Combo and AutoDMG to update their profiles :)

Valued Contributor II

10.10.4 Combo can be found here

Valued Contributor II

Non combo is here

Valued Contributor II

Combo Update: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1820
Delta Update: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1819

These links are not searchable yet; I had to increment the DL#### in the URL in order to find them.

Edit: goddammit, beaten by 9 minutes. :P

New Contributor

What is the package called, so that it can be restricted? Is it more simple to just do a OSXUpd*?

Also what is the difference between Combo and Non.

Sorry guys newbie here...

Valued Contributor II

A Combo updater includes all previous updates for the same major version, and can be applied to systems running any minor version of the same major version (10.10.0 ~ 10.10.3). The non-combo is also called a "delta" and can only be used to update from the previous version (10.10.3 -> 10.10.4 ONLY).

Best practice to avoid unexpected software updates is:
1) Managed machines should not have admin rights;
2) You should be redirecting the Macs to your in-house software update server.

What do you think is the harm in preventing users from installing this update?

Valued Contributor

The Combo Updater can be applied to any version of Yosemite (10.10.*) to bring it up to the current version.

The regular (non-combo) update just updates the previous point release to the current.....in this case 10.10.3 to 10.10.4.

Valued Contributor

oops too slow, what @bradtchapman said.

The updates are hefty:
1.9 GB for the Combo
1.0 GB for the regular update

Valued Contributor II

"1) Managed machines should not have admin rights;"

Hahahahaha thats a good one! If only!

Valued Contributor II

Hey @Josh.Smith , I don't think you're showing enough pieces of flair under your avatar. Gonna need a few more badges. ;-)

Valued Contributor

@bradtchapman lol yes that's what happens when you combine a Training Pass and being 8 miles from a JAMF office! Now I'm hungry for Chotchkie's for lunch...

Honored Contributor II

I'm assuming it will but has anyone tried Mac App Store 10.10.4 build on the new retina MacBook Pro?

Valued Contributor

Deployed OS X 10.10.4 non combo to a couple of test machines, had a weird issue.

Some of the 2011 iMac's made a really loud beeping sound before rebooting. Has anyone experience this before? The 2013's & 2014's (slim iMac's) made no noise.

It's not the end of the world, these updates go out at night anyway.

Valued Contributor

@Abdiaziz The update has a firmware update embedded in it for those older machines that could have their firmware screwed with when waking from sleep. Beep is the firmware update getting applied.

Valued Contributor

Thanks for clarifying! @chriscollins

New Contributor II

TRIM Support included after OS X 10.10.4 Update for non Apple SSDs.

sudo trimforce enable

Valued Contributor III

On my 1st try the new retina MacBook Pro are working...


Contributor III

The firmware update for OSX 10.9 and 10.8 is showing to be its own update now: "Mac EFI Security Update 2015-001"

You early testers seeing good luck with this one (minus the beeps, of course!) ?


Edit: larger pushes of the 10.8.5 version of the EFI update were causing freezes in about 5% of targets here

Valued Contributor


Installed on my work iMac and personal laptop, no issues whatsoever.

Contributor III

Installed Combo and Delta updates to test machines, no issues so far.

Combo update needs 4.3GB of space!

Preparing to release Combo update via policy tonight.

New Contributor III

Anyone care to share a best strategy for getting 10.10.4 to 1350 students with managed MacBook Airs (none officially have admin rights)?

Silent deploy of Cache combo update to smart group specified with sufficient SSD space?

Then a Self Service option with a prompt to have plugged into AC adapter & that it will take up to two hours to deploy?

Honored Contributor II

Thanks for checking @gachowski

Valued Contributor

Could it be finally fixed?

Security Update 2015-005

and not just for the current Yosemite!


rootpipe full disclosure

Valued Contributor II

@Nick_Shortal , pre-caching is the best way to go. Those newer machines will probably install the combo updater in less than 10 minutes. But do you have multiple file distribution points? Otherwise your poor file server will buckle under the pressure of trying to send the package to 1350 machines, and it could take several hours to several days (multicasting is not possible in your scenario).



Be very careful when turning TRIM on for third party SSDs. A flaw in Crucial, Micron, Samsung, as well as other brands can cause critical data loss if TRIM is enabled. The full list of the drives (as well as the Linux black list) can be found here

New Contributor III

Any ideas when AutoDMG might update their profiles? I use that for making new images and applying updates to them.

Valued Contributor II

Awaiting that as well... Both AutoDMG and AutoCasperNBI work fine with 10.10.4 though.

New Contributor III

I did see that though which is nice! Just running the updates post imaging is kind of a pain when I can just have AutoDMG build them in.

Valued Contributor

@sean That was interesting. I liked how clear and to the point that speaker was.

Valued Contributor II

Seems like 10.10.4 combo via Self Service works with the built in restart options (unlike the 10.10.3 combo) and doesn't need the "shutdown -r now" command in place of the stock options. This is installing on top of 10.10.3.

It also looks like running a background "softwareupdate -ai" on Macs will pull down and install the 10.10.4 updates from ASUS without locking up the GUI like the 10.10.3 updates did. This is also installing on top of 10.10.3. Installing 10.10.4 on top of 10.10.2 still locks up the GUI and no apps launch. A reboot will bring the system up on 10.10.4.

Oh happy day! Anyone care to confirm?

Valued Contributor II

AutoDMG profile for 10.10.4 (14E46)


/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/UpdateProfiles.plist

(Courtesy of sohailmamdani in the ##osx-server IRC channel)

Valued Contributor II


New Contributor III

@dstranathan Do I just copy that updateprofiles.plist that i downloaded from github that was in the zip file to the file location you specified?

Valued Contributor II

@CorpTech Yes, I simply renamed the existing (10.10.3) file and dropped the new 10.10.4 file into Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/

New Contributor III

@dstranathan AWESOME THANK YOU. will this cover things like the garageband update or is that just part of the os installer?

Valued Contributor II

It appears only iTunes 12.2 and ARD 3.8.4 are covered.

I usually wait for MajorValp (Per Olofsson) to update his in-app profile update but I have been impatient and anxious to get 10.10.4 into testing, so I manually grabbed a profile from GitHub.


Per Per (heh), he's on travel, which is why the profile hasn't been updated. But it looks like Erik Gomez, whose updated UpdateProfiles.plist is linked to above, has also submitted the same profile as a pull request for AutoDMG.

Valued Contributor II

GarageBand and the other iLife and iWork apps come from the App Store, so they're not part of the base OS or handled by AutoDMG.