Posted on 06-08-2020 08:29 AM
Hey Everyone,
Our users that are upgrading to 10.15.5 are experiencing an issue where their VPN connections are no longer visible from the VPN Menu bar.
The profiles are there, and credentials are still stored in keychain but if we reset PRAM and boot into macOS, then the VPN Menu bar isn't able to read those VPN connections and shows that none are present.
All we have to do to fix is to relaunch the VPN Menu either by going into Network Preferences and unticking, reticking "Show VPN Status in Menu Bar" or by running:
open /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/
We can certainly wrap this in a policy and push it on boot but that doesn't help us understand why it's happening in the first place.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Posted on 06-08-2020 08:43 AM
We have seen the same issue, The VPN menu bar shows VPN Not Configured, We have solved this by giving the limited VPN users we have access to the network pref pane, I'll look for the article I used to do this.
As soon as they hit "Connect" in the networking preference pane the VPN menubar item shows the configurations again.
Posted on 06-08-2020 08:48 AM
Had this too in 10.15.4 and 10.15.5