Posted on 09-11-2012 04:03 AM
Hi All,
Im playing with location services in 10.8.1 so I can force it on from the command line and set an app to be added to the approved list.
What I have noticed is that when turning on or off location Services in the pref pane :-
The LaunchD trick from 10.7 does not work in 10.8. locationd is always running. There is a plist in /var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost that is changed
There is an nvram setting called LocationServicesEnable that is set to %01.
Im a Mobile Account AD User that is an admin and when playing with these settings, without entering a password at any time the mac will lock out my AD account !!!
So far I have yet to get the Location Services to be configurable from the command line but the most worrying thing is that messing with these setting locks my AD account out. So in theory a badly written app that uses location services COULD lock your AD account out !!!
Anyone any ideas ?
Posted on 03-15-2013 04:47 AM
This bug has been fixed in 10.8.3