10.8.4 Mobile Account issues

New Contributor

Hey everyone,

Reading online it looks like they added support/fixed issues resolving mobile accounts for everyone off AD. I can't get one to stick (Once I click the create button and logout/log back into the user, it stays network/managed)

Has anyone else encountered this issue since the 10.8.4 release?

Thank you


New Contributor III

WJCheney, what settings do you have configured for your AD binding? And are you noting the "network managed" flags that show up in System Preferences -> Users and Groups preference pane?

New Contributor

Thanks for the response Kraigschroth,

My settings are to create a mobile account upon login, i've tried with and without Confirmation.

When I log into the user, I can't get to anything but the system preferences window, and when I click 'create mobile account' and select yes.. It tells me to log out and back in.. when I do that I get to start the wonderful loop over again. I'm on the phone with apple support at the moment, Senior engineer is scratching his head..

New Contributor III

WJCheney - When you inspect the record in Directory Utility (/System/Library/CoreServices/Director Utility.app) and you open the Active Directory Binding pane, do you have "Create Mobile Account at Login" checked? Then next do you have "Force local home directory on startup disk" checked?

In my environment, I have "Require confirmation before creating a mobile account" disabled, and i also disabled "use UNC path from Active Directory to derive network home location" because if those options are checked your system may query for a network home folder -- not finding one, it would never save the preferences you are trying to set after your login session.


You can try manually creating a mobile account using this script:


Use the -v flag to get verbose output so that you can see any errors.