10.9 being offered in software updates

Valued Contributor II

So it appears 10.9 is being offered as a software update. Has anybody had a chance to look into that at all? If you have a policy to install updates automatically does it install 10.9?

This could be bad.


Contributor III
Contributor III

It's not a software update. If you run softwareupdate -l you will not see it. It is being offered to users of qualifying machines as a free update. If you have a restricted software entry added for Mavericks, you should be fine.

Valued Contributor II

I also noticed that on those it does show up as, it's requiring an AppleID to install, which we have locked down.

New Contributor II

Can someone assist me with creating a software restriction for Mavericks? I would like to get this done today if possible. We like to test updates before we deploy them. Unfortunately our laptop users are admins. This would be a great way to stop them from upgrading.

New Contributor III

@kirkd: Try this discussion: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=8741

New Contributor II

Thanks devibeck, Your link did the trick!

New Contributor

suffering the same trigger happy admins