1Password 8 install

New Contributor III

Has anyone been able to install 1password 8? 

I have tried installing it on my build Mac and bundling it with Composer. The installer seems to finish, but is doesn't show up under Applications. 

I have tried pushing the installer to the computer and then running it with a script. the first time I tried the below script, it will download the program and then it asks for admin login.

open /path/to/app.app &

 so I tried this scrip, but it just spins forever.

su <admin user - not root>
open /path/to/app.app &

 I know it can be installed via the Mac apps (at least 1Password 7 can), but that links to the App store and I have that locked out so the users are unable to access it.

BTW, I'm wanting the app to be available in the SelfService portal.


Esteemed Contributor II

@SirDewalt There was a post from 1Password on Twitter indicating that they would be releasing a standard .pkg installer for 1Password 8, but I don't recall a timeframe being mentioned, so it's probably with contacting their support to add your voice to those asking for a deployable installer.

Contributor II

for M1...

curl -sLO "https://downloads.1password.com/mac/1Password-latest-aarch64.zip"


curl -sLO "https://downloads.1password.com/mac/1Password-latest.zip" 

 for Intel

I get the below when trying to use these commands


[STEP 1 of 4]
Executing Policy test script
[STEP 2 of 4]
Running script 1password...
Script exit code: 23
Script result:
Error running script: return code was 23.
[STEP 3 of 4]
[STEP 4 of 4]

Run the commands in Terminal

They worked like a charm and built two policies to go with them.

New Contributor III

I have reached out to 1password support to see if they have a installer that I can use. I will reply here if/when I hear back.

New Contributor II

I used the curl commands above to download the 1Password.app on my local client, then used Packages.app to create a distribution package. Upload the pkg to Jamf, create policy to install app, scope, victory! Hope this helps!

New Contributor III

You should be able to assign free licenses in apple business manager for 1password for the apple store version and make that appstore app available in self service. Users should not have to open appstore or log into it. 



New Contributor II

Thanks MikeyK 1Password 8 is not available in the Mac App Store yet - that is version 7.

I think this is their way of releasing version 8 to consumers and not enterprise just yet.

No VPP or PKG installs as of this date... frustrating. If they had an enterprise release date, that would feel better than us IT guys wondering how to proceed - should we wait for version 8 VPP / PKG (if they ever even release?), or go ahead and write our own custom install script? We have our users on the VPP App Store version 7. We are not sure how to proceed in the short term as version 7 will not be receiving security updates.

New Contributor II

I made a simple script using the curl above

cd /tmp
# M1 ARM Download
# curl -sLO "https://downloads.1password.com/mac/1Password-latest-aarch64.zip"
# Intel Download 1password 8
curl -sLO "https://downloads.1password.com/mac/1Password-latest.zip"
unzip 1Password-latest.zip
cp -Rf 1password.app /Applications/1password.app
rm -rf 1password.app
rm -f 1Password-latest.zip
exit 0


Esteemed Contributor II

@nstrauss got tired of waiting for the 1Password folks to release an installer for 1Password8 and created a set of autopkg recipes to generate one: https://github.com/autopkg/nstrauss-recipes/tree/master/1Password

New Contributor III

I'm completely new to most of this so is there a how to article somewhere? 

Esteemed Contributor II

@davidmundt There is a Wiki page for AutoPkg: https://github.com/autopkg/autopkg/wiki 

You'll want to get AutoPkg installed before installing AutoPkgr which has its own Wiki page: https://github.com/lindegroup/autopkgr/wiki

This video from JNUC 2021 should provide an overview of what the AutoPkg/AutoPkgr combo can do for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPFSA4OOuOQ


Contributor II

Here's a snippet of my script...


case "$(arch)" in

/usr/bin/curl -Ls "${URL}/${FILE}" -o /tmp/"${FILE}"
/usr/bin/ditto -xk /tmp/"${FILE}" /Applications/.
/usr/bin/xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "/Applications/1Password.app"
/bin/rm /tmp/"${FILE}"

exit 0

Thanks for the script! I was having some errors with the ditto command on some user's machines so I update my script with some of your script's magic and that seems to be working well for me now.


case "$(arch)" in

cd /tmp
sudo killall -m '1Pass.*'
curl -sLO "${URL}/${FILE}"
unzip "${FILE}"
rm -rf /Applications/1Password.app
cp -Rf 1Password.app /Applications/1Password.app
rm -rf 1Password.app
rm -f "${FILE}"
exit 0