2017 MacBook Pros not adding ethernet interface during adobeinstall

New Contributor III

I am now using an AutoDMG build of 10.12.6 for my NetBoot and OS Image. NetBoots the 2017 MacBook Pros' just fine. However after imaging and booting into the adobeinstall user for post-imaging tasks, it is not recognizing/adding the ethernet interface. Hence, no enrollment and it skips all my triggers, dummy receipts, etc. I have tried it with the Belkin USB-C adapter as well as the Thunderbolt 2 to 3 plugged into an ethernet adapter.

I am on 9.98 FYI. Anyone else having this issue?


Contributor II

Hi @sgorney I have run into the same issue. Are you replacing the OS during imaging or just dropping PKG's and keeping the out of box os installed? I have found that erasing the drive and dropping an autodmg image down seems to fix this issue. My best guess is that since the autodmg is hardware agnostic its doing a search on first boot for hardware.

New Contributor III

@RogerH I am fully replacing the OS with an AutoDMG of 10.12.6. I also just realized that its not only not adding the Ethernet interface but also Wifi as well. Its seems to not do any hardware discovery. Out of curiosity, what JSS version are you on?

Contributor II

@sgorney we are on 9.99 in the cloud right now. and using the cablecreations usb-c to ethernet as well as the startech.com version. We dont have the belkin ones here


Hi @sgorney I had the same issue as you. Same version of JSS.
If you use Autorun in your Prestage, this may be your problem.

Please follow the instructions that I found here Casper Imaging - Wot, no scripts after AutoRun. Kudos to Chris Gachowski for finding a workaround and to n.martin for creating a very good detailed page.

New Contributor III

Thanks for that article, but thats not really whats happening. When booting into the adobeinstall, the macs aren't doing any hardware discovery and loading ethernet or wifi interfaces. Thus, it can't communicate with the JSS and enroll and finish configs, bind, etc.


Like I said, I was having exactly the same problem. I have a script that runs after the reboot. And due to the AutoRun issue with MacOS 10.12, once it tried to run the adobeinstall, I was not getting an IP. It was not doing any hardware discovery or loading an ethernet or wifi, nothing. So it did not communicate with the JSS and did not enrolled. Do you use AutoRun and have anything, check your CasperImaging logs.
The reason it stops is because is not finding the last packages that are supposed to run or install after the First Run.

New Contributor III

@isradame Logs show that its installing all the "Install on Boot Drive after imaging" packages successfully. Once it reached the point to communicate with the JSS for scripts and enrollment, it errors out and and says "The internet connection appears to be offline". This behavior doesn't occur with any of the earlier model machines up to the 2016 TouchBars. But these new Kaby Lake 2017's are the only affected ones.

Valued Contributor III

What hardware did you use to build your 10.12.6 image? It sounds like the network prefs are different or possible got deleted? I am only about 40% sure but I think that is stored in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration

Can you add scripts to AutoDMG ? if so this might help

/usr/sbin/networksetup -detectnewhardware


PS The JSS shouldn't pull/push the scripts from the JSS, You have to put the script in place 1st, like isradame said , but that isn't your biggest issue. : )

New Contributor II
/usr/sbin/networksetup -detectnewhardware

Im not using AutoDMG, but adding this to my thin image solved the exact same issue I was having after wiping and installing with a fresh 10.13.3 installer from the App Store on some Macs. They would not be get a network connection on the Tbolt adapters, would in Recovery though.

I just made it into a PKG post flight and made the priority as one of the first PKGs to install.
