404 error when deploying in-house ebooks

New Contributor

Following the directions located here https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=205, I'm trying to deploy internal .epub files via Casper.

I have the .epub file located on the server at /Library/JSS/Tomcat/webapps/inhouse/<filename>.epub. When we select the file from within Self Service we get an error page that says;
"HTTP Status 404 - /inhouse/<filename>.epub"
type: status report
message: /inhouse/<filename>.epub
description: The requested resource is not available.

However, that file is in the correct location.


New Contributor III

Hi brugger,

I hope you have found an answer to this already, but if not, double check the permissions on the .epub file itself to make sure that everyone has read only permissions. I got this same error when I had everyone set to 'no access' on a mac server. Changing that to read-only fixed it.

Honored Contributor

If you're on IIS you're probably going to need to define a custom MIME-type. I'm taking a stab but you'll probably want it as "file/download".

IIS has a great habit of producing 404 errors if the MIME types don't handle what's being served.