8.62 recon fails with Bus error because of Adobe Speedgrade CS6

Contributor III

Removing SpeedGrade CS6 resolves the recon issue and allows the updated inventory for that machine to be submitted to the JSS.

We didnt have this issue in JSS 8.52 since upgrading +- 2 weeks ago to 8.62. Its our clients with CS6 Master
collection that are not being reconned. After further investigations it seems that its only clients on 10.6.8 and 2 clients on 10.8.2 that are effected.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


Contributor III

Ive just had a response back from JAMF support "It looks like we do have this as a known bug (D-003089 for your records). We've found that there's a symbolic link that tries re-running the link when it doesn't need to, so the fix we have for this to create a policy to remove that link.

In this policy, we'll want to go in and remove the link that's found here:

/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app

That's just copied out from the recon -verbose command you sent over. Create that as as an 'rm /Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app"

View solution in original post


Contributor II

Yes :-)

See https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=5664

Contributor III

Me too, I had issue with the "bus" error ("Locating application details..." fails here) until I noticed this discussion
As soon as I uninstalled Speedgrade, everything is fine with inventory collection

EDIT: JSS 8.62


i disable application collecting and that also fixed it, but that was before i knew Speedgrade was the cause, i did report this to JAMF when i first got it

We had this is version 8.6, we have not gone to 8.62 yet

Contributor III

Ive just had a response back from JAMF support "It looks like we do have this as a known bug (D-003089 for your records). We've found that there's a symbolic link that tries re-running the link when it doesn't need to, so the fix we have for this to create a policy to remove that link.

In this policy, we'll want to go in and remove the link that's found here:

/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app

That's just copied out from the recon -verbose command you sent over. Create that as as an 'rm /Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app"

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Thanks for this, just hit me!

Contributor II

We have the same problem with ColorEyes display pro. v1.52. Reports two and three times on any Mac it's installed on. Really annoying.

I hadn't looked much into symbolic links or anything, but now it's on my to-do list.

Valued Contributor III

Nicely found. That's saved me a lot of effort! Thanks!

Contributor III

Can anyone confirm if this bug has been fixed in 8.64?

Contributor II

I am running 8.64 and it is still broken. Thanks.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I'm currently running 8.7 and the issue is still there. However it's not a SpeedGrade issue. It occurs with Address Book.

Locating hardware information (Mac OS X 10.7.5)...
Executing Unix applications... verbose: Checking AD status...
Locating accounts... verbose: Finished with user. verbose: Finished with user.
Locating application details... verbose: Found app: /Applications/Address Book.app
Bus error: 10

It happens to few machine, and other machines recon just fine. Any ideas.

New Contributor

I'm also hitting this issue with Speedgrade CS6 on a 10.8.4 machine, and we're running 8.71. Are there any indications as to a permanent fix? I need this machine to submit at least one inventory report so self service functions correctly for this user.

New Contributor III

After doing some digging in on this issue it appears that because the symlink file "Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app" has the same exact name as the actual file it is pointing to, it literally creates an endless loop when doing a recon, which causes recon to fail. By changing the name to anything other than the main app name the system will be fine and report up to the JSS.

For the time being we just created a policy with a Run Command to change the name of the file in order to remediate the users with this app. and then added the same Run Command to the current CS6 install policy for future installs.

mv "/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app" "/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6"

I am still waiting for Adobe to get back to us on whether it will cause any issues by changing the name or removing the file. I provide update when I hear something.

Valued Contributor

Hi Jesse,

Did you get any feedback from adobe on the renaming the file?

We are facing the same issue.

Thanks & Regards,

New Contributor III

Hi Karthikeyan,

I have not received any feedback from Adobe, but they did mention that the issue is fixed in the newer cloud version. Since we have not received any reports of issues from end users, we decided that renaming the file will have to work until something comes up. If Adobe does respond I will make sure to update this post.