AAMEE not installing Illustrator

New Contributor II

Anyone else using AAMEE and having issues? My issue is that it is installing
every app except Illustrator and I've rebuilt the package using AAMEE over
three times now.

Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group


Valued Contributor II

I haven't tried with Casper 7.3, however previous versions of Casper did not recognize CS5 as a valid Adobe installer. On Jul 26, 2010, at 12:01 PM, Bachuwa, Patrick wrote:

I personally used the last pre-release version of AAMEE to make a .pkg of CS5 Design Premium, then deployed it via a Self Service policy (with the afp, rather than http, caveat I posted about earlier). Worked fine.

I wasn't worried about packaging and distributing Acrobat seeing how any of my CS5-eligible users already had Acrobat Pro 9.3.x (as well as CS4)...

The potentially-huge caveat to watch about using Composer to package CS5 is the licensing component (if you aren't careful and exclude/package the licensing components separately, you can overwrite it, particularly if you have older versions of CS/Adobe apps installed)...

Not applicable

Amen to that! I ended up building a Casper loaded clone without any Adobe, then loaded Adobe onto it, tested and finally used composer to build a new "operating System" dmg from the clone. Reloaded the .dmg back into Casper admin, created a new configuration with the new .dmg and compiled it. Retested the new config with no problems. I know this is time consuming, but I was getting very weary of Adobe's idiosyncratic behavior. Rock on.......


Not applicable


After a few fails with Adobe's AAMEE, I went right back to Composer and it has not failed us.

Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator
Phone 212-839-1587 Fax 212-946-4010 nick.caro at rga.com<mailto:chico at rga.com>

Is everyone using Composer for the CS5 and not the built in Adobe package installer in Casper?

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New Contributor
New Contributor

Hey guys,

We rarely post to the list, but given the amount of traffic on this topic I
wanted to give you an update. We have a technical paper scheduled for
release on Friday that deals with supported workflows for CS 5 and I believe
it will have coverage of the AAMEE product. As we move toward our release
we'd like to stay focused on the completion and would prefer to answer
questions after we get the paper out.



Not applicable


I am just experiencing the same behaviour in this very moment. I made a
custom .pkg with AAMEE and pushed it via Casper = Illustrator missing.
When manually (double-click) installing the .pkg it seems to work.

Did you customize the install, meaning deactivating Programms in AAMEE, i
did PS, ID, AI, FW only.
Did you have CS4 on the machine where you tried to install the .pkg?

Daniel Wittich | IT Manager | Young & Rubicam Brands
Kleyerstraße 19 | 60326 Frankfurt | http://www.yrbrands.com

Young & Rubicam Brands Germany GmbH, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 78543
Geschäftsführer: Volker Franz, Karen Breitenbücher

New Contributor II

This is a clean install of 10.6.4, no previous versions and everything is
selected for install.
I haven't tried installing via double click, looks like I have to manually
do this on each machine.
Thanks, Adobe!

Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group

Valued Contributor II

Couple of things to try:
On Jul 26, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Alan Benedict wrote:

1) Can you install the AAMEE-generated .pkg file manually (i.e. not through Casper) and does that produce the desired results? If no, bug Adobe, if yes....
2) How are you distributing it to end user machines? I assume via a policy. Are you using http or afp for distribution? I found, using the previous AAMEE version, that everything would install correctly except for the InCopy plugins (which came up larger than they should, and caused InDesign CS5 to crash on launch). Didn't have this problem when the .pkg was run manually. Went in and overrode the policy defaults to force it to distribute over AFP and it worked fine.

May want to do a "chown -R <username>" as well as a "chgrp -R <groupname>" on the .pkg before copying it into Casper Admin, just to be certain...



I haven't tested deploying an Adobe CS5 .pkg file yet with Casper, but the
On 7/26/10 10:43 AM, "Alan Benedict" <abenedict at integer.com> wrote:
Adobe Installer should create a log file in /Library/Logs/Adobe that you
can view with Console. I would assume since the AAMEE just puts a wrapper
around the Adobe Installer that the same log file would be generated even
when deployed with Casper.

Search for "Illustrator", "error", "failed", etc., to see if you can spot
what's happening.

Do you have a proxy server configured for the system? If so, does
disabling the proxy before deploying with Casper work?


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492

Not applicable

I have the same issue installing CS5 over CS4 with Adobe Master Collection Media. I have a call into support about it, but have heard nothing back. I need to chase them up. I think I am lost in there system!

Best wishes


Not applicable

I also had this problem, and found that if Acrobat Pro 9 is installed prior to installing CS5, Illustrator will mysteriously go AWOL. It's not Casper's fault either. Even when using the Adobe install DVD, Illustrator will give an error trying to install if Acrobat Pro 9 is on there first.

Once I had figured that out, it worked just fine, if I installed AP 9 after the CS5 installation. Of course, up until the license mysteriously stopped working, in which case I had to just create a package using the DIFF files from Composer.


Not applicable

Sweet, that explains why it worked in my second run...


I've seen that behavior too but never made the association. Niizzze!


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492

New Contributor

Is everyone using Composer for the CS5 and not the built in Adobe package installer in Casper?

Patrick Bachuwa
Client Technical Services
Sears Holdings Corporation
Michigan Campus
3000 W. 14 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI  48073-1717
Phone: 248 637-0350
Patrick.Bachuwa at searshc.com

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Alan,

We did some testing with Adobe CS5 Master Collection on Friday (AAMEE>JSS). I launched each application, noted the behavior (was logged in as a non-admin user). Found problems, reported them. Didn't even notice Illustrator was missing until I read your post. Wow...I'm going back in to see what else might be missing...



New Contributor II

Just to test, I added my CS5 install disc to Casper Admin and selected it as
an Installer, I added it to an imaging configuration, and imaged a computer. Still no illustrator. I will try again installing Acrobat after CS5, but if
that doesn't work, Composer is what I will use until I see the white paper
from Jamf.

Did I mention that I really loathe Adobe right now?

Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group
O: 515-247-2738
C: 515-770-8234

Not applicable


I just got this reply from support. They said ignore the fact it is a CS4 technote. They think it is a solution 2 issue. I will be testing this tomorrow, I hope!


Best wishes


Esteemed Contributor III

Wow...it's disturbing (but not surprising) that Adobe would instruct people to change permissions on their /Users/Shared directory. :/

<Grady Seasons>
"It's like a nightmare, isn't it? It just keeps getting worse and worse"
</Grady Seasons>




That TechNote article also says to change the "Documents and SettingsAll
On 7/27/10 1:55 PM, "Don Montalvo" <donmontalvo at gmail.com> wrote:
UsersDocuments" folder to Full Control from Read Only for Windows.

This is just bad policy on Adobe's part and both Apple and Microsoft
should be calling them on it.

I've E-mailed our Adobe rep about this TechNote, explaining how
irresponsible it is.


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492

Not applicable

Solution 2 worked for me several months ago when I pushed out CS5 to several
test computers, one freshly cloned (with CS4 installed), the other an older
clone with CS3 and CS4 installed.

I found that Illustrator would not install. Upon inspection of the install
logs I found that the ColorSync folders were aliases and not real folders.
This apparently caused issues with the Illustrator install.

Once I got that figured out, I Composed the package and haven't looked back.

-- David Lundgren
Sr IT Systems Administrator

Brooks Institute - "Passion, Vision, Excellence"
27 East Cota Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(888) 304-3456 (toll-free)
(805) 690-7615 (office)

Not applicable

I just renamed the profiles folder to profiles_old and it has installed CS5 fine now. I now have a new profiles folder that has two alias in there, profiles and recommended.

It makes you wonder how this gets past Adobe Q&A!

Now to make the package with Composer!

Best wishes


Esteemed Contributor III
Michael Curtis bazmail at bazmac.co.uk wrote: On 27 Jul 2010, at 21:52, Smith, William wrote:


Doesn't matter who's doing the work or where. In the end, someone at Adobe
On 7/28/10 10:44 AM, "Don Montalvo" <donmontalvo at gmail.com> wrote:
is responsible for signing off on the product.


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492