Activation Lock Bypass Code


What is 'Activation Lock Bypass Code' seen under Mobile device > Management?

I don't see it referenced anywhere and a Google search results in link to pages on how to hack the Activation lock.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

It's located on Page 4 of the Release Notes

Activation Lock Bypass support—When viewing management information for a mobile device, you can now view the Activation Lock bypass code for the mobile device. The Activation Lock bypass code can be used to bypass the Activation Lock associated with a mobile device.

New Contributor

Activation Lock occurs when an iPad that has Find my iPad turned on is wiped. During device setup, you'll need the original Apple ID email and password to unlock the device.

With Activation Lock Bypass, you can request the code that will override that lock and allow the iPad to be used again.

New Contributor

I'm in the same boat.. I have 1000+ iPads deployed and as of this moment 208 devices have Activation Lock Bypass Enabled. Soo where do you request the code, Apple?


@stevewood][/url: I know what Activation Lock is, but where do you set the bypass code.

The release notes only describes what you can see and that it can be used to bypass the Activation Lock - that I did read but it doesn't say anything about where you get that from.

The only thing I see in Casper is: "Activation Lock Bypass Code is Not Configured"

Where do you configure that?

New Contributor

Oh sorry I wasn't following that!

I'm 99% sure that the devices have to be assigned to your MDM server in the Apple Device Enrollment program. When they are in that system, that proves to Apple that they are institution owned and they will give you the code after that. Once they are assigned and scoped a pre-stage enrollment, the activation lock code will be displayed in the management tab of a device object in the JSS.


That makes sense.

Contributor III

The devices will need the following:

  1. iOS version 7.1 (or newer).
  2. Supervision mode enabled through Apple Configurator, or Apple's new automatic device enrolment program.
  3. Find my iPhone/iPad/Mac/iPod enabled.

I would like to know how to use the new code. And it would be nice to have functionality more like Profile Manager, where instead of showing us the code, we can Allow/Clear Activation Lock.

New Contributor III

If your interested in Activation Lock, I posed a detailed response in another thread...

New Contributor III

Wasn't sure what you actually do with that activation lock bypass code so did a bit of my own testing.

Having sent the wipe command to the supervised device from casper, you enter the bypass code in the password field during activation when the device asks for the Apple ID that it's associated with. Leave the Apple ID blank, just enter bypass code in password field.

Contributor III

Thanks @philipwoods, I thought it might be something like that, but haven't had much opportunity to test.

Contributor III

I created a feature request to allow us to choose if activation lock is enabled or not. We will be using DEP with authentication required so activation lock is not necessary. It just creates extra steps for us when collecting iPads. Currently we need to make sure that it is disabled on each iPad when collecting them or enter the bypass code on each device that had it enabled that we may have missed. If we could just leave it disabled then a student can hand us an iPad at collection time and it doesn't matter what state the iPad is in. It is still secure as the next person who wants to use it will need to authenticate with ldap to be able to use it.

New Contributor II

Is it possible to run a report to have a list of the activation bypass codes? I don't see it under display. I'm old fashioned--like a hard copy now and then. Thanks!

New Contributor III

Here is how you use Activation Lock Code

  1. Generate Code in MDM
  2. At the white screens of the setup leave the Apple ID Email blank use the bypass code in the password section. All capitals no dashes.

It will work, I just did it!

New Contributor

I have been able to clear several of our devices (iPads), but there is one that says the activation lock code is incorrect. I have entered it several times and someone else has tried, as well.

It IS the correct device, but I am unable to bypass it. Any other suggestions? It's currently listed as "unmanaged" so I am unable to wipe it from the MDM.

Please help.

Valued Contributor III

@khoffman It doesn't always work. :(

You'll have to call AppleCare and prove you own the device. Check out this link which describes the method.

New Contributor III

Made a video for some for are still lost in doing this bypass


New Contributor

I would like to request the Activation Lock Bypass code please