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Hello Wallpaper default when enrolling a device a custom wallpaper I
have setup, but what if all my devices already enrolled and say someone
changed the wallpaper. How does one revert back to the custom wallpaper
instead of wiping the device again fo...
is there a way or profile to display the serial number on the display
for each device doing inventory and wondering thanks dan
Can i send a request cmd or policy to reset the settings or something
besides erasing data to the device. could not find a thread Thank you,
Dan FernandeziOS / MacOS Genius. LLCIT Specialist of TechnologyHangouts:
AppleiOSGeniusOffice: (708) 449-3165...
Hello is there a way to reboot an iPad from Casper? could not find a
thread Thank you, Dan FernandeziOS / MacOS Genius. LLCIT Specialist of
TechnologyHangouts: AppleiOSGeniusOffice: (708) 449-3165 x3588Cell 1:
(312) 877-8488 PrimaryCell O: (708) 989-...
Hello All, Creating a search criteria and like to see which apps have
self-service enabled instead of me going through all 600 plus app, could
i create a new search in doing this even though it will show me the same
result of all the individual selec...