Ad authentication with OD home folder path

New Contributor


We are in a difficult situation. I will try to be brief. We have not yet implemented JAMF, we have a trial installation. we are currently using an purely OD environment with 10.9 servers (replicated domain) and 10.8.x clients. We need to move away from OD for a number of reasons, including reliability and duplication of user accounts and passwords. Also the fact that we utilise MCX extensively and this is now depricated in 10.9x and beyond. We have a very large AD domain which we would like to use for authentication of our macs.

The problem is, we have spent a lot of money on our OD domain, making sure it can cope with the sheer amount of throughput and the storage requirements, which the departments which utilise the macs require. Our storage is curently on Xserve's and Drobo SAN devices connected to these Xserve's. We cannot allow users who authenticate via AD to send information from the mac to their storage locations on the Windows SAN (expensive and limited storage), nor can we change the Profile path or home folder entry which is located in their AD preferences, because they need to be able to log onto the Windows network and use separate save locations. Apple no longer support AD schema extension and have removed it from their white paper. Our students need to be able to log onto any of the 300 plus macs and have their desktop, documents and preferences follow them. We currently use mobile sync to achieve this.

I have found a preference in the JAMF managed preferences which is called Mobile Account Synchronization URL. I hoped I could configure the mobile preferences via a config profile, remove the tick box on the mac bind, which states to use the entry in AD to resolve the home folder location and use this Sync URL to point the Home folder sync to a home share on the Xserve..In this way, users can authenticate via AD but have their data saved to cheaper faster storage on the Xserve's.

I can get the home folder created on login, however I cannot get the clients to use the Sync location preference. I can see it is recognised in the managed preferences displaying on the mac, but the Sync will not establish. I have tried manually creating the folder on the share to no avail. Has anyone got this setting to work??

Any help would be appreciated.