Adding Bookmarks to Bookmarks Bar

Contributor II

I am capable of adding bookmarks to a "managed bookmarks" folder with the following code and deploy that via a policy. But to make things easier on the younger students, I would like to deploy bookmarks instead to the bookmarks bar. How can this be done?

<key>ManagedBookmarks</key> <array> <dict> <key>name</key> <string>Google HomePage</string> <key>url</key> <string></string> </dict> </array> </dict> <key>BookmarkBarEnabled</key> <true/>


Contributor III

@Morningside , take a look HERE... This should get you what you want

Contributor II

Hi JustDeWon, thanks for the input. That site seems to discuss Safari but we cannot use Safari here because several of the online curricula that we use do not work in Safari. As such we use Chrome exclusively and prevent Safari from even launching to avoid problems. I'll make the original post clear on that! Thanks again!

New Contributor III

Hey @Morningside

Im using a plist to deploy bookmarks for Chrome and it does not provide a way to display the bookmarks on the bar rather than in a folder "managed bookmarks". Seems that setting isnt available.

New Contributor II

Do the student's log into Chrome? Are you using G Suite? There are options for Bookmark management. If they are not signing in, then there is a folder for a guest user profile with a text file for bookmarks.

User/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Guest Profile/Bookmarks

This is the format. Maybe it can be edited and sent out?


{ "checksum": "942764d02172e0ac56471532a4f3f57c", "roots": { "bookmark_bar": { "children": [ ], "date_added": "13197081427823302", "date_modified": "0", "id": "1", "name": "Bookmarks Bar", "type": "folder" }, "other": { "children": [ ], "date_added": "13197081427823305", "date_modified": "0", "id": "2", "name": "Other Bookmarks", "type": "folder" }, "synced": { "children": [ ], "date_added": "13197081427823306", "date_modified": "0", "id": "3", "name": "Mobile Bookmarks", "type": "folder" } }, "version": 1