Adding printers via DNS

New Contributor

Hey all,

I have a request from the business side of our operation and tbh i'm not very sure where to start!

It has two parts to their request -


"We need 'Printer Name' hostname to be resolving from 'Mac Address' - MAC address

Later we need the script that queries currently installed printers on a Mac machine and runs removal of them and re-installation using hostname."


If i look into our current printer setup within Jamf, it looks pretty standard - they are added by IP (i.e. ipp:x.x.x or ipd:x.x.x). I'm sure i could work out the script part in the end, but really i have to idea how to enlist a printer in Jamf (and self service) through DNS rather than IP. 

Has anyone had any experience with this in the past?

Many thanks!