Adding Search Domains doesn't work

New Contributor III

Good Morning,
we use this script to set the Search Domains to our clients but if the clients are ready there is only one search domain in the DNS Settings.

We changed the script like this for example:

Manually specify the DNS entries (separated by space) to be added to each Ethernet port below, add/remove as needed

Manually specify the ports to ignore such as Bluetooth, FireWire, etc.

Enter your own variables below=

DNS="" #Add your own DNS Searches here on this line#

But this isn't working... Does anybody have an idea whats wrong in this line ?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,



Honored Contributor II

I've tried the script and it worked ok. It's a bit hard to tell from the posting what bits are changed. Is it just the DNS variable?

If you could post your modified script with three backticks above and below the code that will format it as a script like this:


my script commands

exit $?

Contributor III

I use this in part of a Defaults script I blast to all new machines or freshly imaged
networksetup setsearchdomains "Ethernet" domain2

New Contributor III


thanks for your answers.

Thats the script we use we only changed the DNS Variable.....



Ensure we are running this script as root

rootcheck () { if [ "/usr/bin/whoami" != "root" ] ; then /bin/echo "script must be run as root" exit 0 fi }

End Functions

Set to the default BASH limiters

IFS=$' '

Manually specify the DNS entries (separated by space) to be added to each Ethernet port below, add/remove as needed

Manually specify the ports to ignore such as Bluetooth, FireWire, etc.

Enter your own variables below=

DNS="" #Add your own DNS Searches here on this line# NoModList="Bluetooth FireWire" NoModList_Pattern=$( echo $NoModList | sed 's/ /|/g' )

Set the delimiter to a newline and NOT a space to keep port names whole

Find the identities of the 'en' ports we wish to edit DNS info, filter out the No Mods to be ignored

IFS=$' ' PortList=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep "Device: en" -B 2 | grep "Hardware Port:" | cut -c 16-100 | egrep -v -e $NoModList_Pattern)

Now, for each port listed in PortList, add the DNS entries

If an error presents during a config set (missing adapters), don't report the error, 1>/dev/null

for i in $PortList ; do echo "taking action for port ": $i IFS=$' ' sudo networksetup -setsearchdomains "$i" ""$DNS"" 1>/dev/null done

Echo out that we're finished adding the DNS entries to the found ports

echo "Done! The discovered Ethernet ports "$PortList", have been modified"

End the script here

exit 0

Kind regards,
