ADOBE CC Products Uninstall - Icon left in launchpad

New Contributor

Hi JAMF Nation,

I am working on packaging ADOBE CC products in Caspersuite but am having trouble with the uninstall.

I have indexed the package, made it available for uninstall and created an uninstall policy.
Both the install and uninstall policy work fine but the icon in the launchpad is left behind and there is no way to remove it.

I saw a post of here advising the following code but it appears not to work on Yosemite as the apps table can not be found.

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db "DELETE from apps WHERE title='nameofapp';" && killall Dock

I found a command to remove the icon but it resets the entire launchpad and I haven't been able to run the script from the policy.
defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

So far I have had the issue with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

Is anyone aware of a work around?




Valued Contributor

Have you tried to run the uninstaller that comes with the CCP installation package? I'm also wondering that indexing works on a CCP package...

Valued Contributor II

Indexing will do NOTHING to a .pkg as @m.entholzner suspects. Indexing a .dmg will allow you to remove the listed components, but not a .pkg. Just FYI.

In order to remove Adobe CC products we perform the following steps:

1) We create uninstaller right alongside the individual installers using the "Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition" or AAMEE tool (found here: )

2) Our Self-Service policy "installs" the installer and "Caches" the uninstaller (There are several ways you can do this, however there are many ways to skin this cat)

3) Our uninstall policy runs the "cached" uninstaller AND loads the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool in the /User/Shared directory before running the following script

# This will run the Adobe Cleaner Tool
/Users/Shared/Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool ‐‐removeAll= CREATIVECLOUDCS6PRODUCTS

This clears everything Adobe CC related for good measure, so be careful with step #3. Steps 1 and 2 should do it!