Posted on 06-12-2020 10:00 AM
Just sharing basic methods for getting AirServer deployed that I ran into today...
1. Download the latest DMG from AirServer
2. Open the DMG and accept the EULA, then drag the App to your Applications folder (don't open it yet)
3. Drag the App in your Applications folder to Composer, which will make a new package and show the App there.
4. On the new package under Composer, open the expander arrow and right-click Scripts > Add Shell Script > PostInstall
5. Your shell script should have something like the following:
## postinstall
LICENSECOMMAND="/Applications/ --activate"
#Check if AirServer is installed
if [ -e /Applications/ ]; then
#Add license, store output to LOG variable
echo $LOG
open /Applications/
6. Make the .pkg file with the App and the Script, upload to Admin and deploy via policy
7. Once the settings are good, you can find the current preference file under /Users/x/Library/Preferences/com.pratikkumar.airserver-mac.plist, copy this to a workable location
8. Convert this file to xml with
'plutil -convert xml1 com.pratikkumar.airserver-mac.plist'
9. Edit down to just the preferences you need, mine ended up being only
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Ask me</string>
10. Then upload that to a new configuration profile with the preference domain of 'com.pratikkumar.airserver-mac', and deploy
A couple of notes--
Posted on 06-14-2020 09:52 AM
You can also use ProfileCreator for your AirServer preferences. AirServer is an available option.