Alternatives to Screen Time iOS



Are there any alternatives to Apples Screen Time, more specifically the App & Website Activity section where we want to track data on how much time students are spending on apps. Not sure if Jamf Pro has any way to configure and collect the data or will we have to go through each students device and set it up and go to each device to collect the data?


Contributor II

Hi @acamare10 ,

for IOS screentime, I haven't found it yet,
but you can use Apple Classroom to record Student activity, each class, each session,
here is the configuration link:
1. Jamf Pro Class
2. Apple Classroom
note: you can see how long the app has been used, but not the web link that was accessed.

if you might want to get details of the web accessed, how long, about that it might be more appropriate for you to look for a network analyzer or use a firewall.

Thank you for this, we already have Goguardian for monitoring web access but we are looking for something that will help us collect data on how much time students are spending on individual apps. ScreenTime does this but not sure if it will be efficient to go through 500+ devices and turn it on and go through each device to collect the data. From searching I am not sure if there is a program that can help us with this.
