
Joined: February 2023

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  • 57 Posts
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I have a policy to manage the applications that show on the Dock. In the picture provided it shows the triggers and execution frequency. For some reason the policy executed on the local admin account, but since these laptops are in a 1 too many progr...
Hello, Are there any alternatives to Apples Screen Time, more specifically the App & Website Activity section where we want to track data on how much time students are spending on apps. Not sure if Jamf Pro has any way to configure and collect the da...
Is the calculator app new to ios 18? I never noticed it until I started updating ipads to ios18. Is there a way to remove/hide the calculator app with a configuration profile? Thanks
Hello, We were trying to install iMovie to some laptops. We add the laptop to the scope of the imovie app catalog in jamf pro but nothing appears to happen. The app would not show up on the laptop after a few restarts and manual inventory updates. In...
Hello, I am trying to uninstall iMovie on managed devices. We initially pushed the app through a policy for some reason I do not remember. Since iMovie is asking users to sign into apple id in order to update to the latest version it is not working s...