Anyone customizing the OS X Yosemite login window?

New Contributor III

As we all know, OS X Yosemite removed the apple logo at the login window.

I used to replace this logo with a company branded logo. That no longer seems to work.

I was hoping someone may have a solution for this in yosemite.

I appreciate any input.




Contributor III

The background lives at /Library/Caches/
you can place a picture there and change the permissions to read-only and it should stick

New Contributor III


I appreciate your reply. I thought about doing that but with all the different screen sizes, it may not show up correctly on all Macs.

How do you handle that?


Contributor III

Set it up on a 27" screen.... I suspect it will scale down at the other sizes...
(Haven't tried that out, just my guess)

I haven't created a screen with a logo, I have so far just used a 'blurred' out version of our standard 'branded' desktop picture....

Valued Contributor III

Just downloaded a really big png from the net (random lndscape scene). Seems to work just fine replacing the file and setting the permissions.
Also doesn't even seem to break Filevault (it becomes the FV login screen as well).
Scales down without any issues as far as I can tell, probably scales up as well I imagine, but starting with a nice big one doesn't seem to hurt anything.


Anyone worked out if its possible to stop the screenshot having the colours changed? I have a white logo on a grey background and when i replace the the grey background ends up darker than usual and the white logo is a lighter grey. It doesn't stay white.

Valued Contributor

I remember there being an overlay applied somewhere along the line. Let me see if I can dig up the info.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@nigelg, I don't think there is a way to change that behaviour without editing the maybe amend the colour of your image to compensate?

Honored Contributor

Don't know if anyone has played with 10.11 yet, but the login window images placed into /Library/Caches/ look great - no overlay or filter to blur the images.