Anyone export student schedule data from Education Edge / Blackbaud?

New Contributor

I'm managing the rollout of a 1-1 ipad program at a K-12 school this fall, and my current biggest challenge is finding a way to get scheduling info out of our SIS, Education Edge. The plan is to create groups based on class sections for every class and period, and use these groups to scope apps, ebooks, and configure Focus. With over 750 students, an automagical process would be best, but I have no experience with the SIS and am not really sure what the best practice would be in this situation. I've seen the SIS importer tool, and will likely use it in the process of configuring the classes for Focus.
Currently, I'm thinking I could create custom fields in Active Directory for periods 1-7, and setup attribute extensions in the JSS so I can use smart groups based on these attributes. I'm not yet sure how to get this data out of Education Edge and into AD, but I think this may be the best option for us. I am concerned that keeping the scheduling data up to date in the JSS could be an issue. Does anyone have experience integrating Casper with Blackbaud products?

Any advice would be appreciated


New Contributor

I've been advised against this method, simply because of the sheer number of smartgroups necessary to pull it off, and the impact that would have on the database.

A possible workaround would be to make students members of AD groups for each of their classes, then assign VPP licenses and apps, and create classes for Focus, based on that. I'm awaiting feedback on this method.

Anyone have a novel solution? Manually assigning VPP licenses and assigning apps for a thousand student with 7 periods each is not something I am looking forward to!

New Contributor III

Anyone have any updates on this? I am looking to import our entire High School schedule out of Education Edge, and manually creating everything will drive me mad. O.o

New Contributor

We have not found any other options as of yet.

New Contributor III

Well nuts. I guess it's time to break out the coffee and get comfortable for a while. :P

New Contributor

I'm in the process of having a perl script I used last year to import data from EE to Open Directory updated to work with Active Directory. The script used .xslx files exported from EE as source data to create users that didn't exist in OD, created groups and added/removed users from groups. I was very pleased with the result. We imported around 500 users and created 450 groups (as well as populated groups). The only errors that occurred were the result of bad data in EE.

If anyone is interested, contact me and I'll put you in touch with the developer.