Apache Super-Noob Question

Contributor III

I know jack about Apache so please go easy on me. :-)

I'm trying to set up an AUSST server on a Yosemite test box.

Following these instructions I am able to get it working at the user level, but I can't get it to work at the system level.

I can view http://localhost and see "It works!". I then created the directory Library/WebServer/Documents/AUSST and pointed AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool to download to that AUSST directory.

However with the directory http://localhost/AUSST/ I receive the error "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /AUSST/ on this server.'

The Apache error log collects this: "[autoindex:error] [pid 1165] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/AUSST/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive"

I'm not sure if I'm missing uncommenting something in the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file or if I need to modify permissions in the directory.

The current state of this test box is a fresh install of Yosemite, then I started Apache & ran AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool. This time I didn't make any of the user level configurations because I want to have this running at the system level.

What am I missing?

Thank you.


Valued Contributor

This may be a silly thing to ask, but does that directory have a Sites folder?

[Edit]: I misread your initial statement.

Honored Contributor

It's telling you that there's no index page to pull and that options is forbidding directory indexes as it's a security function. You don't want people randomly listing all files on your server.

Contributor III


Thank you for the info. Are you saying the effect of doing this at the system level is that people will be able to list all files on the server? It's not possible to have a site at the system level without that exposure?

Honored Contributor II

@gskibum a forbidden message is normally permissions on the folder you're navigating to. I'm assuming the AUSST folder is in the root of your web directory?

Contributor III

@davidacland Thank you.

The AUSST directory is located in /Library/WebServer/Documents which is my web directory.

grep -i 'DocumentRoot' httpd.conf
DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"

Edit: Barking up the permissions tree I tried:
sudo chown -R _www /Library/WebServer/Documents/AUSST

Honored Contributor II

Have a look at /Library/WebServer/Documents/AUSST with ls -l /Library/WebServer/Documents/. It would normally be owned by either root or www and needs to be readable by all.

Something like:

ls -l /Library/WebServer/Documents/

drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel  123  10 Aug  2015 AUSST

Contributor III

This is how it's set now.

drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 136 Aug 10 12:25 AUSST

Honored Contributor II

That should work fine so its probably what some of the others have said, a missing index file and folder listing disabled.

If you take a copy of the index.html and drop it into /Library/WebServer/Documents/AUSST does it load ok?

Contributor III

Thanks all. I'm not sure of what the source of the problem is. I got it working by instead using OS X Server's built-in web service - after checking the "Allow Folder Listing" box in "Edit Advanced Settings..."

Prior to checking that box I had the same "Forbidden" error.

There isn't supposed to be an index.html file in there. My successful attempt at the user level, and my successful attempt with MAMP revealed no index.html file. Unfortunately my MAMP config broke after a reboot LoL. There isn't one in the OS X Server AUSST directory either.

Also, after I got this working I noticed in Adobe's KB article that they use XAMPP to spin up Apache - near the end of the doc. But when my MAMP broke I realized that every deployment will be setting up would be using an OS X Server box so I went down that road instead.

Adobe's KB resources are good, but not great. ;-)

Valued Contributor II

/Library/WebServer/Documents is the Snow Leopard web home, /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default is the new Server.app hotness. I've set up AUSST on a bunch of different 10.8-and-later servers, set the folder there and had zero issues. I usually try to get it a browser to display one of the xml feed files in the path to make sure everything is cool...

Contributor III


I think I confused things here. My first tests were with OS X client, not server. After I almost got this working on OS X client I realized I would be setting up these AUSST servers on boxes with OS X Server anyway. So I changed my testing to that environment. Which turned out to be much easier. The only gotcha was needing to check the box for "Allow Folder Listing" box in "Edit Advanced Settings..."

New Contributor III

@gskibum I know this is a old post, however I figured answering this might help others.
What "Allow Folder Listing" does is allow indexes. To set this in apache you would:

DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
Options Indexes

This allows for any subdirectory in the document root to be browseable.
Obviously you would want to make sure your document root and subdirectories don't have any sensitive content in them.

If they did, you could create a dir to host content and then set that as your document root.

New Contributor III

Hi All

Has any one upgraded Apache tomcat version from 7 to 8 on a windows server , please guide , ours is a customized installation.