App icons in Self Service


Hi All,

seems a number of people, myself included, have had this problem after upgrading to v9.x

Different issue, but it now seems my self service on iOS has used the same icon for several apps. i.e. I have three apps using the google drive icon, yet none of the the three apps are google drive.

I've done a bit of digging and it seems that the data in the table moble_device_apps has been corrupted. The values in the field icon_attachment_id are all either 77 or 78 in my table. These point to the icons that appear for *ALL* my apps in the self service app.

Given that I have 54 apps available in self service, I don't really want to re-enter them all again so I did a little investigation and by editing this field I've been able to get the correct icons to appear in the self service app on iOS. Now I understand that directly editing MySQL database tables is not for everyone, and finding and editing the correct icons is a chore in itself but I think it's going to be a bit better than removing and re-adding all those Apps.

I have no idea how or why the icon_attachment_id fields became "corrupted" with one of two values 77 or 78. Not sure what sort of bug could cause that.



Valued Contributor III

I'm new to Casper with 9.1 and started using the web server option. Does this mean you have this trouble even after uploading the icons?

My post just now here ( may not be correct then.
