Posted on 03-15-2015 10:07 PM
Hi All,
Has anyone managed to get rid of the AppleID request on the first time a network homed user logs in? All the scripts for the user template work fine for a non-network homed user, but every script I try to run on the network users runs after the dialog appears...
Posted on 03-15-2015 10:48 PM
Are you sure you want to get rid of it? With the world of VPP (Volume Purchase Program) - It's a nice way to make software available to your users...
Up until recently - our techs just skipped AppleID when delivering systems..
Posted on 03-16-2015 04:58 AM
You can supress this either with a shell script, or a configuration profile. Our preference is a config profile these days. Here's a guide, there's a link to our github page with example profiles that you can use:
Posted on 03-16-2015 02:58 PM
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the help, I am going to try the Config profiles idea... I did try using config profiles, but I must have done it wrong...
Lhsachs, the reason I don't want AppleID logins is that these are "Lab" machines. No assigned user. This seems to be a thing of the past (As is obvious by Apple's current direction, and getting rid of Workgroup Manager), but when you have 1-1 iPads, sometimes students just need a computer!!
Posted on 03-16-2015 03:16 PM
I push out the file to the users Preferences folder during imaging. I also add it to the User Template Folder so the iCloud setup assistant is skipped for all new users too.
Posted on 03-16-2015 03:28 PM
If you are moving pre-compiled preference files around there are a few other keys to include:
You can grab a copy of our config profile to stop iCloud here (SupressiCloud.mobileconfig):
Posted on 03-16-2015 04:09 PM
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your help davidacland, I now have it working.. Turns out, I had made one mistake when I made the plist, and imported it yesterday, I assigned it to user level, not computer level in Casper!! Assigning it to computer level works!!!
Just got to remember to change it when 10.10.3 comes out!
Posted on 03-17-2015 03:28 PM
And... it stopped working.... Can anyone explain Apple's hatred of making life easier for administrators?
Posted on 03-19-2015 05:52 PM
Hi All,
So it turns out, the best way to solve this problem, is to make a minimal base image, which has already had an Admin go through the Apple ID and iCloud settings. Instead of using the AutoDMG method to create the base OS. Bit of a pain, but... it works!