


I've got machines that are being imaged and once they boot and get to the login screen a pop-up pops up. It says that the AppleIDAuthAgent want to use the login keychain. This happens before any user has logged into it, so I surmise that its got to do with the root user somehow. Research pointed me to iTunes helper and stuff in System Preferences>Users>login items. That does not seem to be the problem. Just so all know, i'm using rtrouton's script to disable iCloud setup. Below is what the Console is telling me when i search for AppleIDAuthAgent

8/20/15 12:52:06.745 PM AppleIDAuthAgent[1187]: AOSKit ERROR: Config request failed, url=, requestHeaders= { "Accept-Language" = "en-us"; "X-Mme-Client-Info" = "<iMac11,3> <Mac OS X;10.10.4;14E46> <>"; "X-Mme-Country" = US; "X-Mme-Device-Id" = "3BDF4AAB-BC4D-58E9-8FD2-369C18A2C3CB"; "X-Mme-Nac-Version" = 11A457; "X-Mme-Setup-FCE048DE-F34F-4FAF-A6DD-6C8AC9DF0C54" = true; "X-Mme-Timezone" = EDT; }, error=Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x7f864a3129f0 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://opc-mwg-10:9091/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=1142811230&ttl=1800&url=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZXR1cC5pY2xvdWQuY29t&rnd=1440089469, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://opc-mwg-10:9091/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=1142811230&ttl=1800&url=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZXR1cC5pY2xvdWQuY29t&rnd=1440089469, NSErrorPeerAddressKey=<CFData 0x7f864a310870 [0x7fff78249ed0]>{length = 16, capacity = 16, bytes = 0x100201bb11a790280000000000000000}, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}, httpStatusCode=-1, responseHeaders= (null) 8/20/15 12:52:06.746 PM AppleIDAuthAgent[1187]: AppleIdAuth URL Error: Error Domain=AOSErrorDomain Code=1000 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (AOSErrorDomain error 1000.)" 8/20/15 12:52:41.789 PM AppleIDAuthAgent[1187]: securityd_message_with_reply_sync Failed to talk to secd after 4 attempts. 8/20/15 12:52:41.790 PM AppleIDAuthAgent[1187]: SecOSStatusWith error:[-25291] The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 3 - <connection: 0x7f864a020070> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 4294967295, asid = 4294967295 }: Connection invalid)

Looking at this I believe that a request is being sent out to and its timing out on our McAfee Web Gateway (http://opc-mwg-10:9091/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?) Am i correct? If so, how can I stop this from calling out to that site as iCloud will never be allowed at this agency? Or do I give it credentials to bypass the web gateway?



Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Kyuubi that prompt sounds like a keychain issue.

Is this happening when using Caspers built in AdobeInstall account or another account?

Can you check to see if your deploying a keychain at imaging? (You shouldn't).


@bentoms I've checked the user template and there is a ~/Library/Keychains folder with .DFStore and .flf2323 files. Should I simply get rid of the folder or just the 2 files? Will removing the whole keychains folder have an adverse effect?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Kyuubi i'd not delete the whole folder, empty might work. But have the perms been changed on that folder?


Just for the sake of closure: the issue here was that I had the Management account and a local admin account using the same name. Once i change them the error stopped.