Applescript to remove adware


Why this script is removing just the last entry?

tell application "rm - rf/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.vsearch.daemon.plist" "Library/InputManagers/CTLoader" "System/Library/Frameworks/v.framework" "System/Library/Frameworks/VSearch.framework" "Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/Jack" "Library/InputManagers/CTLoader" "Library/Application Support/Conduit/" "~Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ConduitNPAPIPlugin.plugin" "~Library/Internet Plug-Ins/TroviNPAPIPlugin.plugin" "Applications/Genieo" "Applications/InstallMac" "Applications/Uninstall Genieo" "Applications/Uninstall IM" "Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.genieoinnovation.macextension.client" "~Library/Application Support/Genieo" "~Library/Application Support/com.genieoinnovation.Installer" "Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieo.completer.update.plist" "Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieo.engine.plist" "Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieoinnovation.macextension.client.plist" "Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieoinnovation.macextension.plist" "Library/LaunchDaemons/com.genieoinnovation.macextension.client.plist" "Library/LaunchDaemons/Jack.plist" "~Conduit" "~Trovi" "~Library/Caches/com.Conduit.takeOverSearchAssetsMac" "~Library/Caches/com.VSearch.bulk.installer" "~Library/Caches/com.VSearch.VSinstaller" "~Library/LaunchAgents/" "~Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieo.completer.ltvbit.plist" "~Library/LaunchAgents/com.genieo.completer.update.plist" "~Library/Preferences/" "~Library/Preferences/com.geneio.settings.plist.lockfile" "~Library/Preferences/" "~Library/Saved Application State/com.genieo.RemoveGenieoMac.savedState" "~Library/Saved Application State/com.VSearch.bulk.installer.savedstate" "Library/LaunchAgents/com..agent.plist" "Library/LaunchAgents/com../midnight.daemon.plist" "Library/LaunchAgents/com.*com.midnight.helper.plist" "/Library/Application Support/midnight"
end tell


Legendary Contributor III

This Applescript makes no sense. You can't use tell application in front of a bunch of path strings like that. It has no idea what you're asking it to do. You need to either put in a bunch of do shell script blocks, or better yet, take a look at @jesseshipley's script located here, which will gather adware information in an EA. I don't actually recommend trying to just blow away adware files since they tend to integrate themselves into the OS in nasty ways and can hose a system if remove improperly.

Also consider using Adware Medic.

View solution in original post


Contributor II

Think your better off with this workflow from Sheagcriag.

Legendary Contributor III

This Applescript makes no sense. You can't use tell application in front of a bunch of path strings like that. It has no idea what you're asking it to do. You need to either put in a bunch of do shell script blocks, or better yet, take a look at @jesseshipley's script located here, which will gather adware information in an EA. I don't actually recommend trying to just blow away adware files since they tend to integrate themselves into the OS in nasty ways and can hose a system if remove improperly.

Also consider using Adware Medic.

Valued Contributor

Better still, for anyone using Sophos, kaspersky, etc put in a feature request if you haven't already. Both of those do Adware detection for Windows, but don't bother for mac. Not even on their road map.

I submitted a new strain of Genieo to Sophos and although they created a new entry to detect the installer they were completely disinterested in the files that had been infected, launch daemons installed, etc. and just referred me to their 'we don't do adware for mac' page!

For a major player in this software market that's pretty shocking. It's clearly required otherwise they wouldn't do it for Windows and we shouldn't even need to put in a feature request, but it appears to be required otherwise they aren't going to bother.

They sell a virus/adware solution that doesn't do adware. If you pay them money, get on to them to sort it out rather than trying to constantly update scripts; which of course we need to until they take off their blinkers!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@sean hey fella. Can you supply that link?

Valued Contributor


Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Policy

This may help too:

Sophos currently doesn't support your requested feature but values your input into improving the product to best meet our customers needs. Can you please complete the below feature request template so we can raise a request with our developers for a change to the product. This information is paramount in helping our product management teams prioritize and build new features that address your business requirements. Company and Contact Information Company: Contact: Sophos Partner (if applicable): Sophos Product Information Sophos Product: Version in Production: Feature Request Summary How will this new feature address your business requirements?: How would you rate the importance of this feature?; 1 = Critical, 5 = Nice-to-have: Please be aware that we cannot guarantee the proposed changes will be made or provide any timelines for the request. Sophos would like to thank you for your time and effort in helping us to build a better product. We look forward in hearing from you.