AppleTV enable Conference Room via Casper


Is there a way to manage the configuration on AppleTv's via Casper, to have Conference Room Display enabled with an OnScreen code?, I do not want to set more than 1000 AppleTV's manually.



At current, there is no management options for Apple TV for mass deployment. I can hedge a bet there is already a request filed with Apple via

All you can do with Configurator right now is supervise, name and update the device and with Casper you can do inventory updates and save passwords against the Apple TV for use in profiles so you don't need to put the password in when you connect to the TV.

Hopefully there is a whole range of MDM options coming for Apple TVs in the near future. Did not see anything from WWDC for it though.


Thanks Shadow_Within for your response. I was afraid of that, I and need it confirmation.

New Contributor

As this thread is a little dated at this point, I was just curious if there are any changes to the information here. Are we any closer to configuring the Apple TV with MDM for mass deployment?

Valued Contributor II

Nope. There have been changes in how you can use Configurator, profiles and even setup via iPhone (Which I can't remember if you could do in June). Unfortunately, there's almost nothing that can be done remotely. This is why we're continuously playing with iBeacon and it's associated technologies. Mostly, to gain control for these sort of thoughts.