Posted on 10-25-2012 03:03 PM
When I look at the Application Usage Logs of any computer in our inventory, all I see are vast periods of time that are marked as Idle. I made sure that the setting to Enable application usage monitoring is checked (I even unchecked, saved and rechecked), but I still get nothing.
Are there any logs I can look at to try to diagnose this or any other settings I should be checking?
Thanks for your help!
Posted on 10-25-2012 03:14 PM
How long ago did you turn on the setting? If it was just in the last day its possible what you're seeing is just a small part of a day represented in the initial log upload.
If you've had it on for a while now and still not getting anything, then something isn't getting captured properly.
Posted on 10-26-2012 05:25 AM
The setting had been turned on since I created my server back in August and I have no data about app usage at all.
I likewise suspect that somehow the data is not being properly captured but I don't know how to troubleshoot this.
Posted on 11-07-2012 03:00 AM
I've had application usage enabled since April and I still see some machines without usage logs. Whats the best way to troubleshoot this? (JSS 8.62)
Posted on 01-29-2014 12:09 PM
I'm seeing the same kind of behavior on some of my clients...just long periods of days where the daily inventory update just reports "Idle".
What I *think* fixes this is a restart of the system (still testing). Any ideas for narrowing down what's going on with affected client machines?
Posted on 01-30-2014 01:49 AM
If you run sudo jamf recon -verbose on the affected machines is their anything in the logs?
Speedgrade CS6 has been known to cause issues with the recon report.
Posted on 01-30-2014 05:59 AM
We don't have Speedgrade CS6 on any of our machines.