ARD UNIX buttons greyed out

Contributor II

We installed ARD for several new hires and in one instance the set of buttons that include UNIX are greyed out.

This was installed using the App Store which claims 6 installations under "Family Sharing" but doesn't seem to list machines like I see for my iCloud.

I don't think enabling Family Sharing is the fix since the problem machine wasn't the most recent installation.

Any ideas?


Esteemed Contributor

The first thing that comes to mind is you are referring to Family Sharing. Enterprise and School use are outside of the scope of Family Sharing. If you are not already, I strongly suggest you start using VPP and deploy app store apps from MDM.


I am assuming you have ARD installed on your Mac, and are trying to use it to connect to the 6 new macs.

  • ARD does not automatically add devices, you must add them manually.
  • You need to have an active login session on the remote for Unix commands to work.
    • Connect to the Mac with ARD, and see if unix commands start working.


To me the elephant in the room. Why are you wanting to use ARD for Unix commands? JAMF can deploy shell commands.


Contributor II

We have non-JAMF users that need the functionality.

I've used ARD for years. The machines have the dark blue icon and status is shown.

You don't need an active login ... just if you rely on current user ... you can always specify a user.

Esteemed Contributor

I recommend reaching out to Apple, my guess is something was not configured correctly. That and without MDM there is nothing stopping a user from breaking your "configuration".