Posted on
01:22 PM
- last edited
a week ago
We have Classes created using the Sync from Infinite Campus to ASM. We had a student whose first & Last name were transposed in Campus, and synced as such in ASM, and then to JamfPro.
Currently I have deleted the student from ASM, and then synced ASM with JSS.
This removed the wrongly created student from all the classes in the JSS and so I was also able to delete the bad user from Users in JamfPro
So far my re-sync between Campus and ASM has not recreated the student however, so I am waiting for that to happen.
I have deleted users IN ASM previously and they do get recreated but seems like it takes a bit of time.
Anyone deleted a bad user in ASM lately and know how long I should wait before calling Apple?
Posted on 01-10-2018 07:42 AM
You should be able to check the activity history in ASM to determine if the corrected name user has been added from IC. Once that happens, the user will sync to Jamf Pro if they are a member of an existing class. If they are not part of an existing class, they will be added when the class is imported, or if you manually import the user.
Posted on 01-10-2018 07:52 AM
So far (more than 24 hours) the user has not been recreated in ASM from Campus Sync.
Syncing has updated, deactivated, and created OTHER users but not this one.
I have a case with Apple, and also a question back to our Campus admin to look at his Campus record for any enrollment oddities.