Posted on 10-26-2018 08:57 AM
We are now utilizing DEP and Prestage Enrollments for "imaging". We are now automatically adding new devices to our default Prestage Enrollment. However, we don't want to add all of our existing computers to this Enrollment because of issues we experienced with the popup asking to allow enrollment on devices that were already enrolled.
That said, as we "reimage" existing Macs we are adding them to the Prestage Enrollment so that we can just install High Sierra or Mojave and have the Mac prepped as a new device. If we have the serial numbers of 30 - 50 Macs that we are assigning to this Prestage, is there an easier way to enable that assignment than copying and pasting each individual serial number? I was hoping to create a group or something to then add that group to the assignment, but that doesn't seem possible. I'm guessing there is some way to do this via the API and scripts, but I don't know where to begin to find the information on writing the correct URL POST to do the Prestage assignment.
Any insight on how to easily assign multiple devices to a Prestage Enrollment policy?
Thanks, Tim
Posted on 10-26-2018 09:14 AM
See my post here.
Posted on 10-26-2018 09:42 AM
I upvoted the API access Feature Request.
I just finished processing our macs to reimage. Ive got a shelf of about 150 that I need to add to Prestage. Guess it will be the tedious venture of doing those individually.
Posted on 10-26-2018 10:44 PM
Posting in this thread as well as the one linked by ryan.ball as well, to hopefully help both of the OPs.
Instead of doing this at the "PreStage Profile" level do it at the "DEP Token" (aka "MDM Server") level in ASM/ABM. You can have as many tokens as you need, just as you can have as many PreStage Profiles as you need. I think people seem to miss this part.
By doing it this way, you can upload a CSV of Serial Numbers to ASM/ABM and assign them to a specific DEP Token (MDM Server). Then in Jamf, you have each PreStage Profile assigned to specific DEP Tokens, which are configured to "Automatically Assign New Devices."
(API access is still highly desired for this and multiple other reasons.)
Posted on 11-01-2018 10:01 AM
@MLBZ521 , That idea made me realize that I don't even need to go as far as creating a second token. I just used my list to Unassign the server and then Assign the server. Since we now have our current Prestage Enrollment set to add all new devices, these devices were added automatically.
Thanks for pointing my thinking in a different direction.
Posted on 11-01-2018 10:59 AM
That's another approach as well.
Glad I could help.
We have over 100 DEP Tokens and over 100 PreStages for Computers and over 100 PreStages for Mobile Devices (because we heavily use Sites here).
We have one of our DEP Tokens set to be "Default" so as new devices are added to DEP, they automatically get assigned to our "default" Site. We've noticed an issue when some devices get re-assigned to a new DEP and thus, their scope moves to a new PreStage in another Site, they do not always get assigned to the PreStage, even though the option to "Automatically Assign New Devices" is enabled in the PreStage.
There was a known issue back in the late v9 Suite (Something like v9.99 or so I believe) that was supposed to be fixed. But we've still been experiencing it in our environment. Just an FYI to you and anyone else who reads this.
Posted on 08-02-2019 08:36 AM
@MLBZ521 we are having this exact issue in our environment
Posted on 09-17-2019 10:18 AM
We are seeing the issue of "Automatically Assign New Devices" also. Anyone know if there is a particular open issue on this one? We have lots of Sites also. We are on Jamf 10.11 at this point you would think the issue would be resolved.