autoDMG build failing with casper imaging (but not disk utility)


Hey kids,

We've got an autoDMG build we've been using with great success here, prior to our Casper instance got stood up. Makes great pristine 10.9.4 (and now 10.9.5) images to which we add with a first boot script. We then apply that DMG successfully to any number of Mac models we deploy.

Once we got our JSS, I uploaded that same DMG into our DistroPoint and then deployed with Casper Imaging. The results: an unrecognizable image: finder prefs, dock prefs, wallpaper prefs, account prefs and more weren't laid down correctly. Initially, I thought the issue might be with our first boot script. That script sets a few prefs, enables a few accounts (including the same mgmt account that casper creates), etc. So I created a second DMG with everything from our original pristine image except for that pkg: Applications, Utilities, Printer drivers, etc. Nothing special here: mostly an OS with a few extra, small apps.

But that DMG failed to lay down correctly as well. Both of these DMGs lay down perfectly with Disk Utility, so clearly the image isn't the issue here: it's the tools being used to lay down the image. Or... maybe not.

If anyone has seen this behavior before or has any suggestions, lemme know. We have a hosted JSS with JAMF in their cloud, v9.32.



Valued Contributor

We are using AutoDMG created OS X 10.9.5 images with v8.73 and no issues here.

New Contributor

Just curious if you can elaborate more on what you mean by the DMG not laying down correctly. I had success using AutoDMG images built with the 10.9.2 installer, but since moving to the 10.9.5 installer the images no longer boot. They do if they are restored with Disk Utility, but not Casper Imaging. Did you work past this?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Are you making sure the priority of the OS is set to 1? And the "first boot" maybe being set to After so that the OS is laid down before Casper Imaging runs the first boot/config script? If the OS isn't configured properly it could be because things are happening out of order.